Usually when I hear stories of people being duped through spiritual means, I find the story unbelievable and even as sheer displays of imaginative power of some victims. But when the story comes closer to you and you see a business man down on his knees in tears, you realize that there might have probably been some truth in the stories you heard over the years.
According to the owner of Gausu Forex Bureau at Madina Firestone, at around 9 AM today, Friday, June 08, 2012, a young man probably in his late twenties arrived at his bureau with a hefty amount of dollar bills to be converted into cedis for him. Just as normal procedure calls for, the operator at the bureau took the money and apparently counted 55 $100 bill notes, totaling at $5500. However, as the operator relayed the exchange rate to the supposed customer, the customer expressed his displeasure at the rate and requested for his money back.
However after a while, he handed the money back to the teller operator who rechecked the money and finally handed over 10175.00 cedis to the customer, the cedi equivalent of $5500 at the rate, to the customer. After the customer left the forex bureau operator decided to then send the money over to his bank for safekeeping and it was during this recounting process that he realized that instead of 55 $100 bills he was rather holding 55 $1 bills.
He related the story amidst tears and shock to me as I had gone to change some bills. According to him, what he couldn’t understand was how and when the change was made as he had himself made sure the money was accurate before doling out its cedi equivalent to the said customer. For me I was in total shock, for this was a forex I usually visit as frequent as every Friday and I was aware of the inflexible measures he takes to avoid such event.